Impressum 2018-02-08T15:13:55+01:00


BTT Vacuums UG
Felix-Klein-Straße 32a
91058 Erlangen / Germany

Managing Director: Gerhard Borrmann
Phone: +49 (0) 9131 64617
Mobil: +49 (0) 162 10 80 381

HRB 16313

VAT Id. No. DE314 121 985

Online content:

BTT Vacuums UG takes over – despite a careful examination – no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of information provided. Liability claims against BTT Vacuums UG, which refer to material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the information or the use of incorrect and incomplete information are basically excluded, provided that BTT Vacuums UG has been not deliberate or grossly negligent. All offers are non-binding.

BTT Vacuums UG reserves the right to change parts of or the entire offer without prior notice, add to, delete or cease publication temporarily or permanently.

References and Links:

For direct or indirect references to external Internet pages („links“) that lie outside the responsibility of BTT Vacuums UG, a liability would only come into effect if BTT Vacuums UG knew the contents and it has been technically possible and reasonable to prevent use of illegal content.

BTT Vacuums UG expressly declares that at the time of linking, no illegal content has been on the linked pages. On the current and future design, contents or authorship of the linked sides is outside of the author’s control. Therefore BTT Vacuums UG hereby expressly distances from all content, all linked / connected pages which were changed after the link has been done.

This applies to all within the own Internet offer listed links and references as well as to external entries in BTT Vacuums UG guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists.

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The copyright for published objects remains alone with BTT Vacuums UG. Any reproduction or use of graphics, sound files, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without explicit permission from BTT Vacuums UG.


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