BUILDING MATERIAL INDUSTRY 2018-01-23T10:57:19+01:00

Building material industry

Cleaning of processing equipment in a cement plant

Conveying and processing equipment needs to be regularly cleaned. In cement plants, in order to be as effectively as possible, suction work is usually done with DN 60 flexible hoses. For this industrial vacuum cleaners from 5.5 kW upwards or stationary vacuum units with pipeline systems are being used. For large material accumulations, suction hose diameters of DN 80, 100 or 125 are available. With large stationary or mobile suction units, it is possible to achieve conveying rates of up to 60 t/h.

VU-520 / VU-700
FiltroJet filter hopper
Cement mill plant kiln

Vacuum extraction of large amounts of chalk dust

Stationary vacuum systems or mobile vacuum units can achieve suction conveying rates of up to 60 t/h. Here: Vacuum extraction with a DN 100 flexible hose over a pipeline system. At the end of the pipeline system a VacTrailer 4000 creates the suction power.


Floor cleaning in a cement plant

Suction accessories in DN 60 is the optimum combination of high suction power and flexible, light weight hoses. The suction power is created by a stationary 22 kW unit. Two operators can work at the same time using a MaxVac Central 220 unit and a FiltroJet 8 Conic 1000 filter hopper which discharges the suction material into BigBags.

MaxVac Central Units
FiltroJet filter hopper

Extraction of concrete dust

The wooden transport paletts for the concrete blocks are cleaned by a covered rotary brush with where the concrete residuals are removed. The arising concrete dust will be sucked by the vacuum system to get clean paletts for the next blocks.

monobloc dust extraction units

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