FOUNDRIES 2018-01-23T11:23:59+01:00


Vacuum extraction of foundry sand from forms for ship propellers

After the propellers are cast, a mobile intercept hopper is transported to the form with the help of a crane. The suction power is created by a mobile S-3 suction unit. The extracted material remains in the intercept hopper which has a collection capacity of 1.5 m3. When the intercept hopper is full, the crane brings it to the sand recycling plant where the sand is discharged downwards.

Intercept hoppers

Factory cleaning in foundries

Regular factory cleaning is required in order to keep plant and machinery operative. Here, a MaxVac Compact 110 extracts foundry sand from the floor and from equipment. In foundries the highest filter performance is required in order to maintain an optimum suction power.


Vacuum extraction of foundry sand

High suction power is required in order to effectively extract foundry sand in large quantities. Frequently stationary vacuum conveying plants are used for this application. With the help of a pipeline system the suction power is brought to the respective work place. The suction material is collected centrally and can be recycled or disposed of. Here a 37 kW KS-unit and a FiltroJet filter hopper are being used.


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